Bathukamma is floral festival celebrated in the region of  Telangana Bathukamma is celebrated in the Bhadrapada Amavasya as per the telugu calender, also known as Mahalaya Amavasya, Bathukamma is celebrated for nine days during Durga Navratri. It starts on the day of Mahalaya Amavasya and the 9-day festivities will culminate on "Saddula Bathukamma" or "Pedda Bathukamma" festival on Ashwayuja Ashtami, popularly known as Durgashtami which is two days before Dussehra. Bathukamma is followed by Boddemma, which is a 7-day festival. Boddemma festival that marks the ending of Varsha Ruthu whereas Bathukamma festival indicates the beginning of Sarad or Sharath Ruthu.

Bathukamma represents cultural spirit of Telangana. Bathukamma is a with  flower stack, arranged with different unique seasonal flowers most of them with medicinal values, in seven concentric layers in the shape of temple gopuram. In Telugu, ‘Bathukamma' means ‘Mother Goddess come Alive’ and Goddess Maha Gauri-‘Life Giver’ is worshipped in the form of Bathukamma – the patron goddess of womanhood, Maha Gauri DeviIt is the festival for feminine felicitation. 

The main flowers used are :
Celosia (Gunugu)

Tanner's Cassia (Tangedu)

Cucurbita (Gummadi puvvu)

Nine Days of Bathukamma :
Engili pula Bathukamma
Atkula Bathukamma
Muddapappu Bathukamma
Nanabiyyam Bathukamma
Atla Bathukamma
Aligina Bathukamma (No offering is made)
Vepakayala Bathukamma
Vennamuddala Bathukamma
Saddula Bathukamma


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